These dear ladies were part of a major effort to put together this charity auction for Liam. They and many others put countless hours into making this event a big success!

Tickets were sold for a chance at several dream vacation trips!

Outstanding auctioneers volunteered their time!
There were home made pies and cakes auctioned off, hot dogs and cokes to fill the bellies of those who came, a silent auction to bid a variety of great items, a gun raffle, and many other big items donated by businesses and individuals to auction.

People of all ages participated in the fun! There were many delicious cakes for a sweet cake walk!
Generous donations were made by individuals and community businesses!
Well known artists even participated!

There were satisfied smiles
to be seen from all who were able to contribute in one way on another!

The Howe family thanks everyone from the bottom of their hearts!
Jeff (Liam's Dad furthest to the right) will now be heading back to Denver to be with Liam and Heather (Jeff's wife, and mother of Liam) as they prepare for Liam's major surgery on Monday.
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